Jumping Over the Gate
Detecting and Mitigating the GateKeeper User Override on macOS in an Enterprise Environment
For red teamers, social engineering a macOS user into executing an application is a common way to gain code execution on a remote macOS client machine. Apple’s development of their macOS built-in security mechanism, GateKeeper, has made this a more difficult task, but not impossible. It is effortless for a macOS user to bypass GateKeeper by simply right-clicking to execute a potentially malicious application. An adversary can convince the user to override GateKeeper in this manner and gain remote code execution on the user’s system. Many adversaries have done just that. This security override could lead to further exploitation of a corporate network, so quickly detecting this user activity is essential. While this is a crucial detection, endpoint security products seem to lack the capability. This research explores the detection possibilities for the GateKeeper user override. Developing a GateKeeper detection will allow corporate security teams to protect their environments from adversaries socially engineering their users. Finding a detection for the override is essential in increasing the defenses of our macOS corporate environments.
I have conducted many red teams operations against corporate environments containing macOS endpoints. For many of these operations, my teams have conducted phishing campaigns. The teams develop a pretext for the phishing emails to send to the target macOS users, enticing the target to click on a link to download a malicious application.
We developed these malicious applications in-house, where the application contains a payload that, when executed, would establish a Command & Control (C2) connection back to our attacker-controlled server. This application could be a macOS installer package that the developer had not signed and thus was not notarized by Apple.
We then could convince the target macOS user to download and execute the application through the phishing email pretext. If the user double-clicks the malicious package to open it, GateKeeper prohibits the execution.
To circumvent this problem, we could convince the user to override GateKeeper by right-clicking to open the application rather than by double-clicking it. This GateKeeper user override has a non-malicious purpose and is a convenient way for users to execute unsigned and un-notarized applications. Still, it is easy to see how this could be a significant security problem in a controlled enterprise environment.
GateKeeper is a great security mechanism built into macOS, but users can easily circumvent it, as discussed above. Apple describes GateKeeper as follows:
macOS includes a security technology called Gatekeeper, which is designed to help ensure that only trusted software runs on a user’s Mac. When a user downloads and opens an app, a plug-in, or an installer package from outside the App Store, Gatekeeper verifies that the software is from an identified developer, is notarized by Apple to be free of known malicious content and hasn’t been altered. (“GateKeeper and Runtime Protection in macOS,” 2021).
Organizations could use a mobile device management (MDM) solution to completely disallow users the ability to download applications outside the Apple App Store. However, many organizations do not do this because they want to allow certain users to run applications that Apple does not provide in the App Store.
Suppose an organization does not wholly control application downloading and permits users to download applications outside the Apple App Store. In that case, the organization must ensure they have visibility of users who right-click to open applications and override GateKeeper, or they might be putting their enterprise at risk of a user opening a malicious application and exposing their network to infection. This research will show how one might create a viable detection at scale for an enterprise environment to protect it from users potentially executing malicious applications.
Understanding GateKeeper
“GateKeeper was introduced by Apple in macOS 10.7.5 (OSX Lion), stating that it ‘helps protect your Mac from apps that could adversely affect it” (Levin, 2019, p. 96).
GateKeeper is a macOS security feature built upon its predecessor, File Quarantine.
Apple introduced the notion of File Quarantine well before GateKeeper (in 10.5, OSX Leopard), but the two features interoperate well. Quarantine serves as the first line of defense, and GateKeeper as the second (and de-facto last), in the fight against untrusted code (Levin, 2019, p. 96).
When a user downloads content outside the App Store, macOS adds an extended attribute, called the quarantine attribute, to the downloaded content. Users can use the macOS native xattr
tool to display and manipulate quarantine and other extended attributes.
When a user attempts to execute this quarantined content, macOS interferes by alerting the user that they downloaded this content, shows the user from where they downloaded the content, and allows the user to decide whether they still wish to open it by clicking the “open” or “cancel” button.
While this was an important step toward preventing users from executing untrusted code, it did not entirely stop them from accidentally confirming malware execution. Gatekeeper provides a much more significant step in the right direction.
Initially, GateKeeper worked by checking the downloaded content’s signature and ensuring that the developer signed it with a valid Apple Developer ID. However, it is trivial for anyone willing to pay the USD 99 fee to sign up for an Apple Developer account and acquire a valid Apple Developer ID.
To combat such potentially rogue developers, Apple mandated application notarization in 2019 with the release of macOS 10.15 (Catalina). Notarization requires that developers submit their code for what Apple describes as an automated review process:
Notarization gives users more confidence that the Developer ID-signed software you distribute has been checked by Apple for malicious components. Notarization is not App Review. The Apple notary service is an automated system that scans your software for malicious content, checks for code-signing issues, and returns the results to you quickly. If there are no issues, the notary service generates a ticket for you to staple to your software; the notary service also publishes that ticket online where Gatekeeper can find it (“Notarizing macOS software before distribution,” 2022).
Along with checking that developer with a valid Developer ID signed the downloaded content, GateKeeper also ensures that Apple notarized the content and thus inspected it for malicious components. This notarization poses the question: how does this automated notarization process work?
When Apple mandated notarization in 2019, a former colleague, Cedric Owens, conducted a test. We developed a malicious macOS application. The application posed as a Zoom Updater, but it contained a payload that connected the victim machine to a red team C2 server. We paid the USD 99, created an Apple Developer Account, created a Developer ID, signed the malware, and submitted the malware to Apple for notarization. Within seconds, Apple notarized the application. We used the notarized, malicious application in a red team operation for approximately two weeks. Without warning, explanation, or refund, Apple revoked the Developer ID, and our malicious application was no longer notarized.
Our experiment could suggest that the notarization process is not entirely as automated as Apple offers, or possibly that notarization did not have the signature for the custom malware at the time. Cedric Owens indicates the reason that the test application was successfully notarized:
I believe this is because it is simply running JXA, with the Apfell Objective C post exploitation code living on the server rather than in the app code and since the notarization check is looking solely at the app code and not server code, the app just looks like an app running JXA (Owens, 2020).
How this notarization process works is somewhat of a mystery because Apple has not documented the automated notary service process itself.
As I mentioned in the introduction, an organization can use an MDM solution to completely disallow the execution of applications downloaded outside the App Store. A macOS user can accomplish this as well in the “Security & Privacy” System Preferences by selecting the “App Store” option under “Allow apps downloaded from.”
By choosing this option, a user will be presented with a warning message when attempting to execute any application not downloaded from the App Store (quarantined content). The only options macOS presents to the user are to either click the “ok” button, which will end the process, or to click the “Show in Finder” button, which will open the finder window at the location of the application.
In the System Preferences, the user may also allow the execution of apps downloaded outside of the App Store by selecting “App Store and identified developers” under “Allow apps downloaded from.” When the user attempts to execute a quarantined application by double-clicking it, GateKeeper steps in and checks the application for a Developer ID and an Apple notarization. In a case where GateKeeper finds a valid signature and notarization, macOS will display the quarantine message and give the user the option to execute the application, as explained above.
However, suppose GateKeeper finds that the application is not signed or notarized. In that case, macOS will present the user with a message indicating that the developer cannot be verified (“Safely Open Apps on Your Mac,” 2021). The message box allows the user to cancel the execution or move the application to the trash. The message box also presents a check box that allows the user to report the application to Apple as malware.
Despite the possible shortcoming of the notary service process, GateKeeper has come a long way in defending systems from users executing untrusted and potentially malicious code. A primary concern is not with GateKeeper’s functionality but that Apple allows users to override it easily.
The GateKeeper User Override
As explained above, macOS allows the user to cancel the execution or move the application to the trash after a user attempts to open an unverified application. If the user chooses to cancel the execution, the user may now override GateKeeper by right-clicking the application and then selecting “open” from the dropdown menu. macOS then presents the user with a new message box. This message box allows the user to choose from three options. These options are “Open,” “Move to Trash,” or “Cancel.”
This override is convenient for home macOS users but potentially disastrous in an enterprise environment.
I have easily socially engineered several target users to right-click and open malware in many Red Team operations. We simply provided the instructions to do so within the pretext of the phishing email or on their malware-hosting website.
This form of social engineering is also occurring quite frequently in the wild. According to Thomas Reed (personal communication, July 26, 2022), between April 28 and July 25, 2022, Malwarebytes found 2,156 detections of the ‘Chropex,’ macOS adware installer. This installer is unsigned, and the dmg contains an animated gif instructing the target to right-click to open.
In June of 2020, adversaries were instructing users to right-click to open the macOS malware ‘Shlayer,’ as well:
After the deceptive Flash Player installer is downloaded and opened on a victim’s Mac, the disk image will mount and display instructions on how to install it. The instructions tell users to first “right-click” on flashInstaller and select Open…. (Long, 2021).
These examples show how dangerous the GateKeeper override can be to a corporate environment if left undetected. While the override is a convenient way for macOS users to run unsigned code if they wish, being able to detect this behavior on endpoints is critical to keeping environments secure.
The Experiments
I conducted two experiments to search for a possible detection for the GateKeeper override. I ran both on macOS versions 12.4 and 12.5 (Monterey). In one experiment, I used the macOS built-in log
tool. I used ESF Playground, a tool developed by Jaron Bradley, macOS Detections Lead at Jamf, for the second experiment.
The Log Tool Experiment (Experiment 1)
To find a viable detection for the GateKeeper override, I followed the advice of Matt Benyo, Threat Detections Developer at Jamf. Matt suggested I use the log
tool, built-in to macOS, and I look for the “GateKeeper Denial Breadcrumb” (personal communication, January 31, 2022).
For both the control and experiment groups, the log
tool was used and stdout
was piped to a text file. I did this to compare the results of the control group to the experiment group.
The log
tool allows users to access system-wide log messages created by os_log
, os_trace
and other logging systems. The stream
function allows the user to view the log stream. By default, the command assumes system-wide streaming but can be filtered. The filter used in this experiment is the predicate filter on the syspolicyd process. This predicate allows one to filter out everything except for syspolicyd messages. Otherwise, the output for the log stream would be far too noisy to find a good detection. Syspolicyd is the macOS system policy daemon.
Jonathan Levin explains, “The system policy daemon — syspolicyd — is responsible for enforcing the GateKeeper. It is a tiny daemon residing in /usr/libexec
and maintaining a SQLite3 database file in /var/db/SystemPolicy
” (Levin, 2019, p. 102).
Patrick Wardle, the founder of Objective-See, suggested that to derive the needed information from the macOS log tool, I would need to enable private data in the logs (Unified logs: How to enable Private Data). He shared the web link, which contains directions on how to do this (personal communication, May 17, 2022). This link is in the References section.
Suppose one does not enable private information in logging. In that case, the log
tool will not show the file path and name of the application the user is attempting to open via GateKeeper override. Identifying this application name is critical in building a detection for the GateKeeper override. One will need to know the name and path of the application a user opened via the GateKeeper override to respond to the incident.
For both the control and experiments groups, while the log stream
recorded syspolicyd events to a text file, I downloaded a benign, unsigned application from DropBox. The file simply opens the macOS calculator.app
. The application is named uhoh.app
. I then unarchived the uhoh.app.zip
file containing the unsigned application.
The Control Group
For the control group, while the log stream function recorded syspolicyd events to the text file, I double-clicked the uhoh.app
, then I clicked the “cancel” button after GateKeeper worked as expected.
The Experiment Group
For the experiment group, while the log stream
function recorded syspolicyd events to the text file. Again, I double-clicked the application and clicked the “cancel” button. Then I right-clicked the application and clicked the “open” button to override GateKeeper.
The ESF Playground Experiment (Experiment 2)
In the second experiment I conducted to find a viable detection for the GateKeeper override, I used ESF Playground. “The ESF Playground can be used to view all raw events coming from the Apple Endpoint Security Framework (ESF) and print them in JSON form” (Bradley, 2022).
ESF is Apple’s Endpoint Security Framework. Apple introduced ESF to allow endpoint security tool developers to collect security information from macOS via an API easily. “Endpoint Security is a C API for monitoring system events for potentially malicious activity” (Endpoint Security. Develop system extensions that enhance user security. 2022).
ESF Playground provides a configuration file that allows the user to comment out or uncomment the many different ESF event messages supplied by Apple. One can comment out an event message type by adding a “#” symbol at the beginning of the event message line in the configuration file. One can uncomment the event message by removing the “#.” Commenting and uncommenting ESF event messages in ESF Playground filters out or activates the output of the desired ESF event message types to be displayed.
For both the control and experiment groups, I started ESF Playground and piped stdout
to a text file. Again, this allowed me to compare the results of the control and experiment groups.
to a txt fileI commented on one message type at a time and ran the experiment and control group activities for both groups. Running the experiment activities with more than one active ESF event type creates far too noisy an output to find a good detection.
For both groups, the uhoh.app.zip archived was downloaded and expanded as in Experiment 1.
The Control Group
I uncommented one ESF event message at a time for the control group while the text file recorded the output. I double-clicked the uhoh.app
clicked the “cancel” button after GateKeeper worked as expected.
The Experiment Group
For the experiment group, again, I double-clicked the application and clicked the “cancel” button. Then, I right-clicked the application and clicked the “open” button to override GateKeeper.
The Results
To find a viable detection, I searched for differences among the output files of the control group and experiment group activities.
Experiment 1 Results
The first experiment proved promising for finding a good detection. The main difference between the control and experiment groups is how syspolicyd handled what it calls “the GateKeeper denial breadcrumb.” In the control group, syspolicyd added the denial breadcrumb; in the experiment group, it removed it. This means that when a user right-clicks on an unsigned and unnotarized application, then clicks the “open” button, overriding GateKeeper, syspolicyd clears the denial breadcrumb.
This difference in syspolicyd behavior is excellent for creating a log-based detection. However, looking deeper, there is another difference between the control and experiment log outputs. The experiment group log output contains a log entry containing the following test: “Clearing breadcrumb URL due to intent: /Users/antoniopiazza/Downloads/uhoh.app
.” This entry appears right after the user right-clicks to open but before the user decides to open or cancel opening the application via the GateKeeper message box buttons.
This log entry lets us know when a user has right-clicked to open an application before it opens. Creating a detection for this seems to be better than the other finding in that defenders or security products have an opportunity to detect an attempted GateKeeper override before it happens. Detecting the override before it happens means that there is a window of opportunity to not only detect the override but also prevent it before it happens.
This detection method is scalable for an enterprise environment. Instead of capturing the macOS logs for only one endpoint, as in this experiment, one might capture this log data for all endpoints in one’s environment using an enterprise endpoint security MDM solution, such as Jamf Protect.
With Jamf Protect, you can use the same predicate-based filter criteria that are often used with the log command to collect relevant log entries from computers and send them to a security information and event management (SIEM) solution or a third party storage solution (e.g., AWS) (Unified logging 2022).
Experiment 2 Results
The second experiment yielded no results indicating a possible detection. Unfortunately, there were no notable differences between the control and experiment group output of ESF events to find a good detection.
Discovering the log detection from Experiment 1 is an excellent step for users executing unsigned and possibly malicious code in their environments. Security organizations can easily forward this macOS log activity to their Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems. Appendix I demonstrates how to do this using the Elastic Stack SIEM. The security organization can configure their log streams on their macOS endpoints, as in Experiment 1. They can string together as many predicate filters to capture whichever processes they see fit, or they can forward all system logs by adding no predicate filtering.
An organization can also scale this via an MDM solution, such as Jamf.
While this is a working solution, it is not perfect. Many organizations do not have the resources to capture and store endpoint logs from their entire fleet. Log capture and storage can be quite resource-heavy, expensive, and far too burdensome for many organizations.
A more reasonable solution would be for Apple to create an ESF event for the syspolicyd, GateKeeper denial breadcrumb activity. Many macOS Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) solutions are already monitoring ESF for their detections. If Apple creates a new breadcrumb event message, EDR solutions, it would be trivial for EDR developers to include it as a detection in their products.
An EDR solution should be able to prevent the GateKeeper override if it can detect a “Clearing breadcrumb URL due to intent” ESF event if Apple creates one. An EDR can kill the process associated with the application name indicated in the event message. Even if the EDR does not have this alert built-in, many EDRs provide a mechanism to engineer custom alerts, so a detection engineer can create one for the ESF event message that the EDR should be capturing.
Without the ESF message, security analysts can use the log-based detection that they forward from the macOS endpoints to their Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system to kick off an incident investigation. The investigators can look at the application started via the GateKeeper override as indicated in the log-based detection. The investigators can then determine if the application is malicious or not. If the application is malicious, they might use an EDR to kill the process remotely. The incident responders might also decide to quarantine the system, look for any persistence mechanism that the malware might have installed, and look for signs that the malware laterally moved to other systems on the network.
As one can see, it might be far more efficient and safer if an EDR can kill the process before the application has a chance to infect the system.
While the results of this experiment are positive and can help organizations defend themselves against users executing unsigned and possibly malicious code, Apple can help develop a better detection.
Apple Inc. (2021, April 30). Safely open apps on your Mac. Apple Support. Retrieved July 22, 2022, from https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202491
Apple Inc. (2021, February 18). Gatekeeper and runtime protection in macOS. Apple Support. Retrieved July 20, 2022, from https://support.apple.com/guide/security/gatekeeper-and-runtime-protection-sec5599b66df/web
Apple Inc. (2022). Notarizing macOS software before distribution. Apple Developer Documentation. Retrieved July 22, 2022, from https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/notarizing_macos_software_before_distribution
Apple, Inc. (2022). Endpoint Security. Develop system extensions that enhance user security. Apple Developer Documentation. Retrieved July 31, 2022, from https://developer.apple.com/documentation/endpointsecurity
Benyo, M. (2022, January 31). Personal Communication.
Bradley, J. (2022, June 8). The ESF playground. The Mitten Mac. Retrieved July 31, 2022, from https://themittenmac.com/the-esf-playground/
Jamf. (2022). Unified logging. Jamf. Retrieved August 16, 2022, from https://docs.jamf.com/jamf-protect/documentation/Unified_Logging.html
Levin, J. (2019). *Os Internals (Vol. 3, Ser. Security & Insecurity). Technologeeks.com.
Long, J. (2021, May 13). New Mac malware reveals google searches can be unsafe. The Mac Security Blog. Retrieved July 26, 2022, from https://www.intego.com/mac-security-blog/new-mac-malware-reveals-google-searches-can-be-unsafe/
Owens, C. (2020, May 18). Launching Apfell programmatically. Medium. Retrieved July 22, 2022, from https://medium.com/red-teaming-with-a-blue-team-mentality/launching-apfell-programmatically-c90fe54cad89
Reed, T. (2022, July 26). Personal communication.
Unified logs: How to enable Private Data. cmdSecurity. (n.d.). Retrieved July 31, 2022, from https://www.cmdsec.com/unified-logs-enable-private-data/
Wardle, P. (2022, May 16). Personal Communication
To reproduce the steps of experiment 1, one must enable private data in the logs. To do this, one can follow the steps in cmdsec’s blog (https://www.cmdsec.com/unified-logs-enable-private-data/). The instructions, however, do not work without error. So, I provide the pieces that allow this to work error-free.
- Sign up for an Apple Developer Account ($99)
- Create an application certificate
- Download the certificate
4. Double-click the downloaded certificate to install it
After downloading the certificate, one can follow the instructions to use it to sign the profile the blog provides.
5. Copy and paste the XML profile from the web blog
6. Save the file as profile.mobileconfig
The instructions state to use the -Z argument (hash) when running the security cms tool to sign the profile with one’s Apple Developer Certificate. A bug in macOS causes an error, so one must use the -N argument (nickname) instead of -Z.
Also, there is an issue with the macOS security cms command choosing the wrong certificate even though one uses the correct name. Security cms chooses the last certificate displayed in one’s keychain over one’s recently installed Apple Developer Application Certificate. Removing all the certificates displayed below one’s Apple Developer Application Certificate and leaving it displayed at the bottom of the keychain will allow one to sign the profile without error. After signing the mobile profile with the developer certificate, one can reinstall the removed certificates.
7. Sign the mobile configuration profile: /usr/bin/security cms -S -N “DeveloperID Application: Antonio Piazza (…)” -I /Path/to/unsigned/profile.mobileconfig” -o “output/path/to/signed/profile.mobileconfig”
8. Double-click the signed mobile config file to install it.
If one navigates to Settings > Profiles
, one will see that one has installed the new mobile profile.
After successfully installing the signed mobile profile, private information will now appear in the logs.
I used an Elastic, Logstash, Kibana (ELK) stack with Filebeats to demonstrate how to forward macOS System Logs to a SIEM. Specifically, I used the HELK implementation from Roberto Rodriguez’s GitHub (https://github.com/Cyb3rWard0g/HELK).
The antman1p blog post explains how to forward macOS ESF event messages to HELK step-by-step. Still, one will need to make slight changes to these steps to forward macOS System Logs instead (https://antman1p-30185.medium.com/acting-red-seeing-blue-b04dd845c3dc).
1. Disregard the step explaining the need to modify “HELK/docker/helk-logstash/pipeline/0098–all-filter.conf
2. Instead of naming your log file path using “esf
” in the name, change it to something more relevant like “system_logs.log
3. Instead of downloading and running Appmon, run the macOS log command as explained. If one wishes to forward all system logs, run this command: log stream >> <path/to/ system_logs.log >
. One can forward less log data by using predicate filters. For instance, if one only wants to forward syspolicyd logs: log stream — predicate ‘process == “syspolicyd”’ >> <path/to/ system_logs.log >
The rest of the blog post instructions remain the same. One might now find the GateKeeper bypass detection on the Kibana web interface.